Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi all,

If you want to contact me through e-mail my address is


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I just finished a terrific book called City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell. At the very end were two paragraphs that struck a perfect cord with my heart as I get closer and closer to the day. I would like to share this passage with you all and hope that if you read it you also can find it to be a cool drink of refreshment:

Over time I have come to believe that God's will is a mystery, fluid and surprising. Following it is like stepping out into something I cannot see, and I am frequently unsure about whether I am doing god's will until after the fact. But I have learned that while I don't always know when I'm doing something right, I always know when I'm doing something wrong, and I rely on this as I go forward, trusting that He will use my mistakes as well as my triumphs and knowing that He does not ask me to be perfect, or even good. He simply asks me to be His, which to me is the heart of His Good News: that I am deeply and passionately loved exactly as I am, despite the faults that grieve me most, by a God who delights in me more than I can know--a God who created me so he could love me. With the gift of that renewed certainty when I awake each morning, I rise to meet the day and to praise my dear Lord, and to finish my course with joy.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

I am already having bad dreams about packing. With a month and four days to go I guess maybe the dreams are justified...seeing how fast time flies I will be on that plane sooner than I think.

And I will admit that I have already started picking out clothing to take. I'm not sure how I will fit 3 months of necessities into one duffel bag but I always do overpack so I'm sure I can work it out.

I got my visa about a week ago! Imagine, one little page in my passport with some stamped-on dates will get me into Gabon. And it is all in French, too. Quite official.

Big prayers: that weather is good in Chicago on February 11. That I can get everything packed easily. That my parents won't cry too much at the aiport. ;) When other people cry I can't seem to stop myself either!