Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It struck me as insane today that it is already the middle of March. Now the weeks are starting to move along quickly. Funny...I haven't done much these past few weeks. I was battling illness so I spent an entire week laying around, being lazy, sleeping...all that fun stuff. I'm feeling much better, so these past two days I went to the clinic for a few hours. I have a clinic story to post with a picture, so don't let me forget....

I'm not too sure what I was going to say in this post. I guess I wanted to write for the sake of writing...let ya'll know I am alive and well. We're at sort of a lulling moment before the end of March when a new intern arrives and in April we'll have an influx of visitors, plus a team...I'm not too sure who will be here, but I do know there will be people.

That's been one of the interesting things about being here, learning to live with people. I realize how easy it is to live with my family--they are the people who have known me my whole life. But when you live with people who don't know you, that have to get to know you...well, it's a learning period. And lots of fun, for sure! I'm not sure if I have figured out yet how to function to the fullest capacity in a house full of new friends. I probably never will, though...I just live each day as it comes.

It's so weird and awesome and scary being here and really having to live each day as it comes! How does one do it? Waking up having no clue what is going on that day; sitting in the car in front of some government building, waiting for JR and wondering how long I will sit there in my pool of sweat. Thinking about the fact that before I go home I have to decide which college to go to...but God is taking care of me. I'm not even sure how, but I don't think about it too hard. I'm simply living, and hopefully in some way glorifying God with my life.

Later to come this week--a clinic story or two, maybe some Hope House (the orphanage) news!


1 comment:

  1. Olivia! It is so good to hear from you, I will be praying that God gives you some great situations in which to be used for Him. :) The pool of sweat comment I must admit was grosss lol I hope it gets cooler for your sake ;)
