Monday, March 7, 2011

So please forgive me if this post seems disjointed or ramblish. I had a fever yesterday and I think it zapped my brain's energy. Yes, so a little frustrating to have spent two days laying around, doing nothing due to illness.

We were supposed to get a team in tonight but they had problems with their visas so they won't be flying in until Wednesday night at the earliest. Something really cool, though, is that Mike (the team leader) had a friend who accepted Jesus into their life last night. So if the team had gotten their visas, that probably wouldn't have happened! God uses bad things for His glory!

On Saturday we went to Hope House (an orphanage that Envision is connected with). There are about 30 kids there (more boys than girls) who are all very excited to have new people to play with. The ages of the kids range from little toddlers to 15-year-olds. They loved playing clapping games, taking pictures, having their pictures taken, kicking around a soccer ball, and showing off their acrobatic skills. Needless to say, I loved every minute of it and can't wait to go back!

So as for prayer requests, I would love to be restored to full health soon! And hopefully no one will catch this illness. Also, pray that the team would get their visas soon.

Oh, I would also like to share a bit about what is going on spiritually for me. This could be bizarre because I'm not really sure how to put it into words. I feel that God is stripping away my comfort layers, the things that padded my heart and kept it comfy. I will admit, I get lonely sometimes, I'm confused about college stuff, I miss my family, I don't have much contact from friends...I am truly having to totally depend on God. There hasn't been any miraculous transformation or some abundance of faith injected into me. I still pray continually for peace and faith and joy. But I do know that slowly, God is teaching me to depend on Him.

Hope you find something to laugh about today!
feel free to contact me at!


  1. I love you!! Thank you for the updates. I'll be praying that you get better and have a really amazing and blessed time while you're there girl. :) *hugs*

  2. I'll pray for you, too, Livs! Hope you feel better! It's no fun being sick away from home - not that it IS fun when you ARE at home... :P

    And I'm so glad to read your updates and to see your wonderful attitude about what the LORD is doing in your life! You're an inspiration! And I miss you!!!!!!!!! And love you. (proof that I love you:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
